The Build Up: Tucson’s Homebuilding Market

The Build Up
First it went “boom!” And then it went bust. Where is Tucson’s home building market now? We talked with some local experts to see where we are now, and where we have yet to go.

Tucson Lifestyle magazine
March 2014
By Kimberly Schmitz

Venture to the quietest outdoor space you know. Close your eyes and cup your hands to your ears. Can you hear the collective voices of people tired of shoveling snow, lacking open space, and yearning to breathe the fresh desert air after a rain? In the quiet, the stillness of any midday, you hear them chanting, “Tucson Ho!” Well, maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration. It is more likely that you hear land movers clearing lots or the hammering of nails through freshly dropped two-by-fours in a number of neighborhoods. The Tucson home building industry is on a much-awaited upswing after the economic crash of 2006. Reserved optimism, strategic project placement, and growing unrest over limited inventory are now the name of the game.

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